Map Your Digital Nomad Mindset
The focus of this course is to guide you through practical examples of how my mindset was tested when I was traveling the world as a digital nomad. We will assess what type of mindset you need to overcome certain challanges, and how to avoid some seriously tough situations. You will come out of this course feeling like you're ready to travel the world and work online. And so you should!
In this course you will discover:
- how to go into remote work with the right mindset - what to do, and not to do
- a variety of different scienaros that you may face, and different options to overcome them
- how to deal with uncertianty as a freelancer / business owner / remote worker.
- practical examples of how I maintaned relationships while on the road, and how you can to
- how to travel with purpose and meaning
Equip with practical examples from 6+ years as a digital nomad.
Equip with assignments and tips and tools to help you succeed.